Join "On The Mat Conversations with Sharolyn Harry" A Podcast Centered on Mindset, Meals, and Movement.








I’m Sharolyn Harry, founder, and owner of Thrive Heart and Health Yoga L. L. C., Wellness Specialist and Certified Yoga Teacher. As a lover of life and learning, wellness and well-being are my passions for increasing awareness of the Body, Mind, and Soul through Mindset,  Meals, and Movement. 

The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word "yug," which means to unite. Specifically, it is the unity of body, mind, and spirit. The practice of yoga includes breathing exercises, physical poses, and meditation. The physical practice of yoga helps to improve flexibility, balance, and strength. Mentally, yoga provides tools to combat stress and improve concentration. Spiritually, yoga invites one to become closer to his authentic self and their higher power.

I have always been a very active person and have always loved movement and exercise. My doctor, John Patrick Card, MD. continuously encouraged me to practice yoga for stress. Therefore, several years ago, I took a couple of yoga classes and found a peace that has been long-lasting; stepping on the mat frequently or approaching my yoga rig, helped me find joy. 

Because yoga is inclusive and adaptable, yoga could be personalized to benefit me. I was able to work on my mind, body, and soul. Keeping in mind that yoga and meditation are pathways to joy and peace, keeping me in tune with my core values, and aiding my love for Christ while allowing me to acknowledge and accept where I am, remember my why, command my day and Thrive.

I am trained in Hatha Yoga under the direction of Kristen Williams of K10YOGA. Through my personal yoga practice, mindset training continued research, training, and education in the areas of Adaptive, Children’s, Chair, and Senior Yoga; I am skilled in providing practical strategies for adapting yoga for children, teens, adults, and seniors. 

If you have wellness goals my services are for individuals, groups, non-profit organizations, childcare facilities, schools, senior living facilities, and businesses. Sessions are designed to meet your specific needs. I can help you build a sustainable practice by providing tools to combat stress, improve concentration and movement and strategize methods for healthy meals and lifestyle changes.